Ubuntu 8.04

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Tue Aug 19 15:49:33 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
>     A year or two ago I took the HD out of the plastic USB case and 
> hooked it to the computer direct and it did boot fine but had a hickup 
> or two. I use rsync for my backup's.

I'd note that my personal backup is actually using rsync on a directory 
in my home directory where I keep my files and a couple select 
directories, like ~/.Virtualbox, to external drives. I don't save 
installed applications or data files.

When I do need to restore, I end up cleaning house by doing a clean 
reinstall, then syncing my ~/files directory back where it belongs with 
my files and documents. I reinstall applications as I need them. That 
way I don't have corruption or cruft from my previous installations and 
unused programs or misconfigurations, and if there's a problem that 
caused me to do the reinstall in the first place, I don't risk 
propagating it to the fresh install.

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