kde 4.1 panel windows + drag/move

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 19 00:58:45 UTC 2008

--- NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> I'm a gnome guy; however I've installed kde 4.1 on 2
> systems to: 1) try
> to assist Leonard with his SeaMonkey issue, and 2)
> just to see what it
> is about. There are a lot of things that are
> different of course, but
> one thing that I find lacking is the ability to move
> a panel window pane
> to another postion on the panel bar. Perhaps I'm
> doing something wrong,
> but in Gnome if I have multiple windows open the
> panel bar may look
> something like:
> In Gnome I can take 'terminalwindow' by using the
> mouse and drag it in
> front of 'emailwindow' so the panel then shows:
> Is this not possible in kde/kde 4.1 & if so, what do
> I need to do to get
> it to work?
Not much help here. I can move the panel icons around
where I want them by rightclicking the panel(blank
space) and selecting "panel settings" but that wont
move the opened window entries for me either. 
Rightclicking the opened window has the "move" entry
greyed out so it should be capable of moving the open
window entries if we new how.  Seem that I was able to
do that in regular kde desktop by just click-hold- and
drag bofore.  Maybe Derec knows as he's a kde user.

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net

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