Best E-Mail Client

Michael Haney thezorch at
Sat Aug 16 01:41:14 UTC 2008

On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 8:49 PM, Peter N Spotts <pspotts at> wrote:
> David McNally wrote:
>> Hi Everyone.
>> I'm looking for an email client that does everything that Microsoft
>> Outlook does, and just as well (or better)
>> I've tried Evolution, and, while it is good as an email client, it has
>> problems with connecting to my Google Calender. I've also noticed some
>> other problems with it.

You might want to struggle with other alternatives for a while until
Thunderbird 3 is released.  I understand it will have a Calendar
feature as well as many other improvements.  When is TB3 coming out

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at
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Yahoo IM: zorchhaney
ICQ: 343230252
GoogleTalk: thezorch
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