Adding Startup Apps in Kubuntu

Michael Haney thezorch at
Sat Aug 16 01:29:51 UTC 2008

On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:
> That depends on your login name. If your login is "michael" it would
> be "/home/michael/.kde/Autostart". As .kde is a hidden folder, you should
> enable the display of hidden files, if you search for it using a file
> manager. Whenver you see a path starting with "~/", replace that with
> your home folder which would be "/home/michael/" in the example above.

Thank you.  Its been like 10 years since I've messed around with
Linux.  KDE is SO different now from what I remember it on Red Hat
back in the day.  Things are coming back to me but not enough and so
much has changed that much of what I did know is now obsolete.  Linux
has certain evolved a great deal since the last time I dabbled with

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at
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Yahoo IM: zorchhaney
ICQ: 343230252
GoogleTalk: thezorch
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