How to uninstall

David Curtis dcurtis at
Sat Aug 16 00:03:05 UTC 2008

Andy wrote:
> Liz van der Stoop wrote:
>> I tried to download Linux BubbleShooter. I click on download
>> and immediately it says "download complete" But when opened all it does
>> is show me that same game I purchased and registered in 2002 when I
>> still had Windows. 
> I assume you mean this: ?
> Did you download a file ending in .tgz ?
> If so to "install" extract or unpack it somewhere, to uninstall delete
> that folder.
> It would have been un-extract into a folder called BubbleShooter.
> Check if that folder exists anywhere by typing (in a terminal):
> sudo updatedb
> locate BubbleShooter
> remove that folder if found.
> To install copy the .tgz file to your home directory, then open a
> terminal and type:
> tar -xvzf bshooter.tgz
> This installs it in your home directory,
> to run open a terminal and type:
> cd ~/BubbleShooter
> ./bubbles
> you may want to add a menu item to do that instead.
> To install system wide extract the file to either /opt or /usr/games
> (normally /opt is used for software not packaged for Ubuntu). If you use
> /opt be sure to either symlink the executable into /usr/games or update
> your path to include /opt/BubbleShooter .
>> said uninstall it first THEN
>> download again.
> Try clearing firefox's cache as well.
>> And I want this game so badly but
>> How? Hope you guys can help. Thanks.
> You may like FrozenBubble, to install open a terminal and type:
> sudo apt-get install frozen-bubble
> it should then appear as a menu entry (may need to log out and log back
> in again).
> Or just search for Frozen Bubble in add/remove programs.
> Frozen Bubble is free and is packaged for Ubuntu (which means it's
> easier to install and has been tested with Ubuntu).
> Andy
Not to mention Frozen Bubble is Open Source Software (many many eyes 
etc.) from the Ubuntu repository. Security concerns are for the most 
part mitigated for the average desktop user when staying with the repos. 
  Installing a third party app like BubbleShooter is only as safe as you 
trust Personally, installing stuff like this from third 
party gets the hairs on my neck a-standing up, as in the Windows world 
much spyware/malware gets a foot-hold this way.

Not to accuse Absolutist of anything sneaky, but why put out a 
BubbleBobble clone for linux when there's a really decent version 
available and then charge $16.95 USD for it?!!!!!


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