How to uninstall

Andy stude.list at
Fri Aug 15 22:39:07 UTC 2008

Liz van der Stoop wrote:
> I tried to download Linux BubbleShooter. I click on download
> and immediately it says "download complete" But when opened all it does
> is show me that same game I purchased and registered in 2002 when I
> still had Windows. 

I assume you mean this: ?

Did you download a file ending in .tgz ?

If so to "install" extract or unpack it somewhere, to uninstall delete
that folder.

It would have been un-extract into a folder called BubbleShooter.
Check if that folder exists anywhere by typing (in a terminal):

sudo updatedb
locate BubbleShooter

remove that folder if found.

To install copy the .tgz file to your home directory, then open a
terminal and type:

tar -xvzf bshooter.tgz

This installs it in your home directory,

to run open a terminal and type:
cd ~/BubbleShooter

you may want to add a menu item to do that instead.

To install system wide extract the file to either /opt or /usr/games
(normally /opt is used for software not packaged for Ubuntu). If you use
/opt be sure to either symlink the executable into /usr/games or update
your path to include /opt/BubbleShooter .

> said uninstall it first THEN
> download again.

Try clearing firefox's cache as well.

> And I want this game so badly but
> How? Hope you guys can help. Thanks.

You may like FrozenBubble, to install open a terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install frozen-bubble

it should then appear as a menu entry (may need to log out and log back
in again).

Or just search for Frozen Bubble in add/remove programs.

Frozen Bubble is free and is packaged for Ubuntu (which means it's
easier to install and has been tested with Ubuntu).


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