newbie: getting wireless going on hardy

jeffrey.berger at jeffrey.berger at
Fri Aug 15 14:39:15 UTC 2008

On Aug 14, 2008, at 7:42 PM, Derek Broughton wrote:

> jeffrey.berger at wrote:
>> Will do. And thanks Derek!
>> -J
>> On Aug 14, 2008, at 5:19 PM, NoOp wrote:
>>> On 08/14/2008 01:52 PM, jeffrey.berger at wrote:
>>>> Output from hostname -f is
>>>> localhost
>>>> In the interim, 106 updates became available. I downloaded (wired)
>>>> and
>>>> installed them. When I restarted, the Update Manager (if that's the
>>>> name of one of the icons in the right upper panel) announced that a
>>>> driver for the wireless card had become available.
>>>> I used Device Manager to install the new driver. This required
>>>> downloading and running an fwcutter. All of this was handled
>>>> automagically.
>>>> I just restarted again and (hooray!) the connected light on my
>>>> wireless card is lit for the 1st time running Ubuntu.
>>>> And I'm connected!
>>>> And no authentication issues either.
>>> Cool!
> Very.  I'd _guess_ that you were running on old firmware
>>> Now change /etc/hosts as Derek pointed out & you should be
>>> good to
>>> go. Sorry that I missed this when I looked at your /etc/hosts
>>> previously.
> It's not really a big deal - I don't think it can cause any real  
> issues,
> just that you can only hang one IP on an interface (and since all  
> 127.x.x.x
> addresses map to the same one, anyway, they're _logically_ going to  
> be a
> single address).
> -- 
> derek

Changed already. What's more, I now know what bottom/top-posting  
is! ;-) I thought you meant don't launch a new topic within an  
existing thread.


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