UUIDs on drives

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Thu Aug 14 14:24:53 UTC 2008

Marcin ‘Qrczak’ Kowalczyk wrote:

> Perhaps gparted could be improved by being able to resize the swap
> without changing its UUID. It copied swap contents to the new
> location, very slowly (slower than ext3 contents apparently) — this
> can definitely be improved if it later does simply mkswap. I don't
> know if it does mkswap after copying, I just guess from the fact that
> the UUID changes. Why does it copy swap contents at all? Perhaps it
> should just mkswap and then write back the old UUID.

Agreed, this could be improved.  While we are on gparted wish list, why
can't gparted create fstab entries for me?    With all the talk about
home users now having multiple hard drives, I think this is one of the
few places where Ubuntu usability fell behind.

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