ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 48, Issue 215
Brian McKee
brian.mckee at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 14:07:40 UTC 2008
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 11:50 PM, Chris Jeffries <chris at candm.org.uk> wrote:
> (Please ignore the --- in the following message. They are there for a
> reason, but it is not for human perception purposes.)
Trying to avoid a content filter at work? I mean VPN isn't a dirty word.
How the heck did you expect anyone to reply without using it?
> I chose
> PPTP Tunnel (elsewhere referred to as Windows V---P---N (P--P--T--P))
> rather than OpenV--P--N Client or vpnc
PPTP can be broken. IIUC (and that's a definate *if*) the attacker
has to capture you logging into your vpn at least once, but more often
is better, and then can take home the packets and hammer on them at
his leisure to break your password. AFAIK, once up, PPTP is secure.
On the other hand, pptp is usually simpler to set up than the alternatives.
> The settings I am using are as follows:
I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this, each of those settings can be
valid in a different situation. What you have to do is match what the
provider expects.
If the provider says you are not using the right auth method - what do
your logs indicate? That would be a good place to start.
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