MS Reader on 8.04

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Thu Aug 14 13:45:27 UTC 2008

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 9:35 AM, Jeffrey D. Greenly <kd6hul at> wrote:
> I realize that my question will probably invoke some "why are you doing
> that?!?" responses, but if anyone can help, I would appreciate it.
> On my computers that run Ubuntu 7.10, I have successfully installed MS
> reader using the IEs4Linux method described on the internet, and it
> works. This is handy for me, because I have a LOT of documents, books,
> etc. in .lit format, a holdover from my MS days. However, I haven't been
> able to get MS Reader to work under 8.04. The application starts, but
> then quietly crashes.
> I have updated wine, tried reinstalling IEs4Linux and ms reader, and
> haven't met with success.

Which version of wine are you using?  and where does it fail?  Is it
IE that doesn't work or MS Reader?

Using Hardy and the wine debs from winehq
<> as well as the ies4linux
script I have IE running fine.  I must admit I'm using a slightly
older version than what's there currently, as once I had it working
doing what I wanted it to do I pinned the wine packages rather than
risk all the darned regressions they seem to love.


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