KDE4.1 & Seamonkey Issue
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 13 07:02:57 UTC 2008
--- NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> On 08/06/2008 02:17 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > Am using hardy x86-64, KDE4.1 and can only start
> > Seamonkey from the cli interface(Konsole). When I
> try
> > to start Seamonkey from the K menu or a seamonkey
> icon
> > in the panel, it will do the busy cursor routine
> for
> > some time then just disappear. No problem running
> > firefox or opera from menu or icon, just
> seamonkey.
> > Seamonkey runs ok from cli but outputs errors
> shown
> > below(can anyone offer a fix or link that would
> help):
> >
> > TIA,
> You know me... I'm pretty much a diehard Gnome guy,
> but:
Yeah, I know!
> FWIW: I installed kde 4.1 and SeaMonkey (from
> Synaptic) and it works
> both from the menu and the command line (32bit).
> However, I did it on
> two machines; 1 with a fresh install of Ubuntu
> (standard Gnome 8.04.1)
> and no previous kde, and 1 with some previous kde
> 4.x programs (floppy
> formater). I found the menu's to be pretty buggy on
> both, using gdm -
> not kdm:
Great, thanks for that. Might help to get kde 4.1
debugged, hopefully. I'm using the new kdm-kde4 DM
that comes with kde 4.1 but it not working any better.
Perhaps I should take the plunge and try gdm again.
> 1. Fresh install:
> SeaMonkey ended up in "Lost and Found" and I have to
> move it to "Internet".
In Kde4.1 Kmenu lost and found I have some wine
entries, like browse C:, notepad, configure wine and
uninstall wine along with a plasma entry with a ? mark
icon preceding it. I can open the wine stuff but not
the plasma thing. And can't figure out how to restore
it??? Added it to panel, right clicked and chose add
to panel. It seems to be a screen saver and the one I
installed is no longer working; but again don't know
how to restore it. In /lost+found is an empty
directory. I also lost my desktop entries after a
power loss, not lightning related, and while the files
are in my Desktop dir, I can't figure out how to get
them to show on the desktop. It's bugging me to no
I also have other programs in the kde 41 menus that
wont load; it's very buggy. Been googling on the
kde4.1 panel icon issue but no joy.
> 2. Existing system:
> SeaMonkey ended up in "Development" and "Lost and
> Found" I had to move
> it to "Internet". Not an easy task compared to
> Gnome. Just trying to
> find Synaptics is a chore as it is only listed
> "Package Manager" - the
> same as the Add/Remove program w/both having faint
> grey descriptions
> underneath.
Use the classic K menu, they show up better there.
All are listed on my K menu.
> So, on #1 I did a complete removal of SM (same as
> sudo apt-get remove
> --purge) to see if perhaps I'd messed something up.
> For some reason
> Synaptic hangs at "ldconfig deferred processing
> taking place" and I have
> to kill the job via 'sudo killall synaptic' (try to
> find the (force a
> misbehaving app applet... no 'widgets' there).
> Afterwards I logged out
> and reinstalled SM (this time via the terminal)
> after today's updates
> and now find SM in the "Internet" menu where it
> belongs. It works from
> there & apparently didn't touch my existing
> ~/.mozilla folder.
I've experienced the same lockup on synaptic and had
to kill also but, it didn't seem to affect the
installs that I can tell anyway. I noticed this
started happening after one of the updates and has
happened every time I use synaptic since then. I even
purged/reinstalled synaptic to no avail. Besides
seamonkey, which has the panel icon command modified
with script that Mumia had me try, opera and other
programs wont start from the menu or panel icons. This
even after I installed the plasma thingy you mention
later. When I installed it there were two related
programs that auto-installed. I'm going to wait awhile
for Mumia to get back with me before I change the
panel icon back to what it was and then pruge and
reinstall seamonkey.
> Note: it still is 1.1.9 with security fixes _not_
> resolved. If you are
> going to use 1.1.9 you should pile on the bug
> bandwagon and demand that
> 1.1.9 be updated to the latest 1.1.11 security
> patches. Otherwise
> download the mozilla version and use that instead.
I thought I'd download the new Mozilla version but
wanted to get the panel icon issue fixed first. I
guess we should pile on the bug bandwagon at the
launchpad wishlist?
> BTW: drove me nuts trying to figure out how to just
> get the 'Show
> Desktop' icon on the panel... found out that you
> need to install:
> sudo apt-get install kdeplasma-addons
> Go figure.
Yeah, go figure. I don't know why the Devs do this to
us. If they are going to put something new in then the
default should be everything that was in the previous
version and then some. It's always easier to take
something out than put something in especially if you
don't know where to look. I added the widget but guess
I'll have to logon again or reboot. Not done yet.
After rebooting it still wasn't there but added it
again and I now have it in the panel. Thanks for
figuring it out.
> Note: I found that after today's updates, I can now
> actually right-click
> on a menu item and have it properly added to the
> destop or panel, so it
> looks like work is progressing.
So far that's not working for me yet but I haven't
logged out or rebooted either. After rebooting, I
still can't right click to add the panel icon; it just
launches the app on the classic menu but does, and did
before, on the new K menu. Another go figure thing, I
guess, tee, hee. I guess things will get better as new
updates come it and are installed.
> I can try again using kdm if you'd like, but it's
> still 32bit; I keep
> flagging down the UPS guy each day to see if you've
> sent me a 64bit
> machine, but no joy so far. The only thing that
> happens is now the UPS
> guy speeds up & lays on the horn every time he nears
> my house...
> Oh, and it still has the boing boing thing
> (hourglass whatever) instead
> of a rotating disc.
Well, I plan to bring it down with me the next trip we
take to California. UPS prices are too high right now.
Careful about those UPS guys. Where I live they will
run you down if you get in their way.
Seriously, If you wouldn't mind, it would be nice to
have you and a few more using Kde 4.1 and Kubuntu
Desktop to compare bugs with and most importantly the
fixes. I've had no luck googling the panel icon issue
or fixing it.
BTW, FWIW, FTR, I'm using a straight Ubuntu Hardy
install with installed Kubuntu Desktop. I always
default to kdm, now default to kdm-kde4 and have
installed ked4 with upgrade to kde4.1. My system is up
to date. This just in case you thought I installed
with the Kubuntu Live CD.
> Some very nice desktop features & graphics I'll
> admit, and most likely
> will eventually work very well; but the window
> framing still looks to me
> like a 1980's Mac wannabe :-)
Your just prejudiced; I have liberal friend like that,
Tee, Hee. You can change the framing I believe but I
haven't looked into it yet. Compared to gnome
desktop(what an ugly looking Hardy Heron) there's no
comparison, Note: I will not get into a flame over
this. I will not, I will not; I will not.
Thanks for all you help. You good!
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
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