change permitions in user home

Doug Pollard dougpol1 at
Tue Aug 12 00:50:13 UTC 2008

Doug Pollard wrote:
> Robert Holtzman wrote:
>> On Mon, 11 Aug 2008, Doug Pollard wrote:
>>>>     Tell me, did it ever occur to you to pick up a book on linux and
>>>>     read it?
>>>>     The questions you are asking are *extremely* basic.
>>> Let me tell you two smart folks something I have been struggleing and
>>> reading for a week. I am asking stupid questions because I am stupid.
>>> Come with me to the machine shop and I will show you how stupid you
>>> are!!  If you don't want to help me,  don't answer my posts .
>> I don't recall you stating that you attempted to do the research with no 
>> luck. If I missed that, my apologies. If you didn't state it you should 
>> have. Then I wouldn't have anything to complain about.
>> BTW, I've cut a chip or two myself chambering match rifle barrels. 
>> Anything more than .0001-.0002 runout got driven into the ground. I 
>> amassed quite a little forest of them while learning.
> I first of would like to apologize  to all. I just plain lost it.  Been 
> struggling with this thing  thing august the  4th.  My first post was " 
> Kino problem back then.  I am trying to get some video done and could 
> not capture it and did the job using sudo and was able to capture. I 
> could not use it in  Cinelerra so moved the files into my user home. 
> That was a bad mistake I guess. I started having problems right away..  
> Have been getting frantic to do the video as I have a completion date 
> coming up.  It is to be shown in Sept in a yacht club meeting.
>    I kept this install of Ubuntu on my first disk and installed Ubuntu 
> on my second hard drive and will be able to work with it there.  That 
> takes the pressure of the straitening out of the permissions problem 
> which I very much want to do for the learning experience if nothing 
> else.  I had gotten in to big a hurry trying different things and needed 
> to back off anyway as I was getting to frustrated to get anything done.
>    Nobody called me stupid by the way, that was my own  conclusion.  
> Sorry ladies.
>         Doug 
    William Witt  got me straight and everything is working I belieive.  
Another problem I had was I could not save anything to my desk top. That 
is now working.  My reply to, address is still wrong so I am adding to 
it by hand each mail to correct it.  Istill have the problem with Kino 
in that it can't capture raw or dv 1394.   Things are looking much 
better and my blood pressure is coming back into a normal range. I won't 
fool with it any more tonight :-P

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