How to install emacs on Kubuntu
Venkata krishna Nimmagadda
venkatakrishna.nimmagadda at
Mon Aug 11 04:00:05 UTC 2008
Hi Grant,
What could be the problem----
When during installation, it asks for downloading packages from internet
after asking your permission. If you skipped it while installation, then it
changes the file /etc/apt/sources.list by commenting all the sources on
internet because it could not verify them. So after install when you use
"sudo apt-get install emacs " on terminal or used package manager, it only
looks in the CD rom as the list of internet sources was blocked.
What you need to do----
just open the /etc/apt/sources.list and wherever you find a website address,
remove # from the starting of the line. Save it (for saving it needs
permissions so better run "sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list"). Then try "sudo
apt-get install emacs ". it will automatically install emacs from the
I hope this helped
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 8:40 AM, Leonard Chatagnier
<lenc5570 at>wrote:
> --- Grant Edwards <grante at> wrote:
> > I just installed Kubuntu 8.04.1 in order to test
> > some drivers
> > and apps I maintain, and I'm a little baffled how to
> > install
> > emacs, or Jed, or svn, or any of several other tools
> > I need
> > which don't seem to be on the CD.
> >
> > I've messed about with "Adept Installer" which
> > launches from
> > the Add/Remove Programs menu entry, but it seems
> > only able to
> > remove apps not add them. IOW, the only packages it
> > knows about
> > are the ones that are already installed, and it says
> > there are
> > no packages available for installation. I have 905
> > packages
> > installed out of 905 available.
> >
> > Then I tried the "Adept Manager" from the system
> > menu. It also
> > shows no uninstalled packages. The "Fetch Updates"
> > button does
> > nothing. I tried the Help/Adept-Handbook menu entry
> > in Adept,
> > and it says there is do document available.
> >
> > Adept's Help/Get-help-only menu entry causes a
> > series of about
> > 6 DCOP and Konqueror error dialogs to popup.
> >
> > Konqueror doesn't seem to have any problems
> > accessing sites, so
> > I'm confident that networking is set up correctly.
> >
> > I've so far resisted the temptation to fire up a
> > root shell and
> > start editing /etc/* and typing apt-get and/or dpkg
> > commands.
> > In the past when I've done that on Ubuntu systems
> > I've been
> > roundly scolded for not using the pointy-clicky
> > system
> > administration utilities like I'm supposed to. :)
> >
> > Google has found me several tutorials that all
> > basically tell
> > me to:
> >
> > 1) Mouse to K/System/Adept
> >
> > 2) Type the program name in the "search" box
> >
> > 3) Click on one of the packages that is found and
> > check
> > "request install"
> >
> > The problem is that Adept can't seem to find
> > anything that
> > isn't already installed.
> >
> > What am I doing wrong?
> >
> Hey Grant, I'm certainly not expert but it sounds to
> me that you don't have /etc/apt/sources list set up on
> your pc which should have been set up on the install
> unless you missed it or clicked the wrong button
> during install. First check the file
> /etc/apt/sources.list and I'll bet it just has entries
> for the CD. If that's the case, you can copy or
> download a ubuntu sources.list by googling for "ubuntu
> hardy sources.list" or similar and copy it to your
> /etc/apt/sources.list file. There's also a gui in the
> K menu probably with "sources" in the menu name that
> will allow you to activate the various sources. You
> must be first time user or you would probably know all
> this. I'd give you the exact K menu process but I'm on
> a wubu install of pure ubuntu in a window OS.
> However, it should be under Kmenu->system->software
> sources where you can activate all the sources. You
> can also activate the sources using synaptic package
> manager and also using adept package manager if memory
> serve me correctly.
> What I don't know is if the programs you need are in
> the usual repositories but thank you for your work.
> I'd activate all the repos you can, do an update and
> then search for you programs. If they are in the
> repos you'll find them. Try using synaptic to do all
> this first try and good luck. Just launch synaptic
> package manager, type in your passwork, and when it
> loads click on settings then repositories and a a
> popup will open with several tabs. Just activate
> everything, then update, then search for what you
> want.
> HTH,
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at
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