KDE4.1 & Seamonkey Issue
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 10 18:55:21 UTC 2008
--- "Mumia W."
<paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at earthlink.net> wrote:
> On 08/09/2008 10:41 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> > [...] As I recall and since seamonkey wont launch
> > {snip}
> Make sure Seamonkey is closed whenever you attempt
> to launch it from the
> KDE panel; that's the only way to properly test
> launching. If Seamonkey
> is already running when it's command is invoked,
> either another
> Seamonkey window will appear, or nothing will
> happen.
OK, I knew this and will double check.
> >>> Yes.
> >
> > >>{snip}
> > Please clarify exactly how to attempt a launch of
> > seamonkey; from K menu, panel icon or from konsole
> or
> > tty. Just so I'm doing it right and not wasting
> yours
> > and my time. Thanks, Appreciate you high tech
> help.
> >
> This script ends with a "seamonkey" command, and so
> it tries to launch
> Seamonkey:
OK, I don't do script but understand that "seamonkey"
in your script is a launch command. But, your answer
didn't help my confusion. Do you want the whole
process started off by running the script from the
konsole commmand line like "./record-sm.sh" or by
issueing a seamonkey command from either the konsole,
K menu or panel icon. Since you had me put
"$HOME/record-sm.sh" in the panel icon command line,
I'm assumeing that it starts the script and the script
launches seamonkey. So, I should just click the
seamonkey panel icon to start the whole process(after
updating your script as requested, of course). Is that
not right? please verify and I'll report the results
ASAP. I appreciate your efforts; just trying to be
clear in my mind just how you want it done. Much
> --------file:record-sm.sh-----------
> #!/bin/bash
> (
> set -x
> date
> env
> seamonkey
> ) &> /tmp/sm-output.txt
> --------end-------------------------
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
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