Laptop does not always recognise server

Derek Broughton news at
Sun Aug 10 18:37:21 UTC 2008

John wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> <snip>
>> Is that address correct for "Server".
> Yes.
>> So, from Train1, what do "nslookup Server"
> john at Train1:~$ nslookup Server
> Server:
> Address:
> Name:    Server.DMJ-Consultancy.local
> Address:

>> The only thing that's jumping out at me right now is that strictly "-" is
>> not allowed in a domain name.

Well, if I remembered that correctly at all, it's clearly no longer true. 
Everybody is registering Internet domain names with internal hyphens - it's
only forbidden at the beginning or end of the name.

As near as I can tell, the problem is not really at the Train1 end, it's on
Server - if Server had a record of Train1 in its DNS then everybody would
be able to resolve Train1.  That doesn't mean that Train1 didn't _cause_
the problem, but it suggests to me that the only place there could be an
error is in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf

Diff the two client computer's dhclient.conf files and see what else is
different other than the "send hostname" command.

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