Unable to use Ubuntu 8.04 live CD
glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 9 20:45:07 UTC 2008
On 08/09/2008 01:09 PM, Jerry Alber wrote:
> Sorry, but I probably deleted the "I did reply" email by mistake. I am
> staying with the whole email list just in case there might be someone
> else with a similar problem.
> I did: Alt-F2 gksu displayconfig-gtk, but couldnot find the correct
> monitor or graphics card. I tried quite a few choices, but when I use
> the "test" button, I got nothing but a screen full of lines and it would
> go no further. So I had to reject my choices before the timer ran out
> which would chose my setup.
> I had read where someone else, who had the same problem who replaced the
> "new and improved" xorg.conf file with a version before Ubuntu 8.04, and
> it worked. I have not done that yet, but what I did do was to install
> Kubuntu's desktop which then gave me a KDE choice in the "options". That
> worked with no problems. I took a look at the xorg.conf file and the
> choices it made were some of the very ones I had chosen before, but
> would not work in Gnome. So far, the only way to be able to work in
> Gnome is to start with runlevel 3 and then go to startx. If I do that, I
> have no problems with Gnome at all.
> At least I got it working in KDE but I would still like to know what's
> going on with Gnome.
> Take care,
> Jerry
> PS. This time, I'll try not to delete your response :-[
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Re Gnome:
What monitor type?
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