Unable to use Ubuntu 8.04 live CD

Jerry Alber jalber at kitcarson.net
Sat Aug 9 20:09:58 UTC 2008

Jerry Alber wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 08/03/2008 10:28 PM, Jerry Alber wrote:
>>> NoOp wrote:
>>>> That's just odd...
>>>> Maybe Leonard has a good point; at the login window, can you select
>>>> "Options" (lower left corner) and then select "Select Session", then
>>>> "Failsafe GNOME" mode. Let's see if it's flipping back because xserver
>>>> is crashing. Before you do that however; do Ctrl-Alt-F1 and see if you
>>>> get a tty login, see if you can login that way. If you can login from
>>>> tty mode then log back out ('exit') and return to the login screen
>>>> (Ctrl-Alt-F7) and login using Failsafe GNOME.
>>>> As for checking the logs from FC; check /var/crash and see if there is
>>>> something in there, as well as /var/log/Xorg.0.log.
>>> NoOp,
>>> Thanks for your very quick reply!
>>> I checked /var/crash and there was nothing there. I also checked 
>>> /var/log/xorg.0.log. It was there and very long but I am not sure 
>>> exactly what I should be looking for.
>>> I can get in by using "Failsafe GNOME". 
>> Cool! That means that gdm is probably having fits with your graphics
>> card/driver.
>> I also used Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get
>>> into that TTY. I logged in and then typed "startx". It said "Server is 
>>> already active for display 0. If this server is no longer running, 
>>> remove /tmp/.X0-lock and try again. I removed the lock and did startx. 
>>> It started and I got the regular GUI screen with the 2 panels - top and 
>>> bottom.
>> That's normal & cool again! Just logout of the tty (or use 'exit') and
>> use Ctrl-Alt-F7 after exit. That will take you back to the login screen
>> or your gdm session depending upon when you exited gdm to to tty.
>>> It seems to work as it should unless I go back to Ctrl-Alt-F1 which 
>>> takes me to that TTY screen, but when I go to Ctrl-Alt-F7 which should 
>>> take me back to the GUI I just left, I get the login screen instead. 
>> That's not normal, but it might be because you are still having problem
>> with your graphics - so put that one on the back burner for now.
>> If
>>> I log in, it goes no where and I just sit there with an orange screen.
>>> Interesting.
>> OK, now that you are in gdm mode, open a terminal and:
>> sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
>> log out and try to log back in normally by setting the session to
>> "GNOME" and see if that works. Your resolution might be off & if it
>> causes you to not see the panels, use: Alt-F2 and enter:
>> gnome-display-properties
>> and see if you can set your proper resolution. If that doesn't work, use
>> Alt-F2 again and enter: gksu displayconfig-gtk
>> and try to set the screens from there. Note: click the "Graphics Card"
>> tab & see if your GC driver looks correct. If not don't do anything yet,
>> just post back on what it shows.
>> If it still gives you fits, set the session back to "Failsafe GNOME" and
>> log back in.
>> I think we are getting closer... as I see it, this is a graphics
>> card/driver gdm issue, & again _thanks_ for your patience in testing all
>> of this. If we can peg down your problem(s) then you can post on your
>> launchpad thread & hopefully help others & the developers modify the
>> install CD's.
> NoOp,
> Did you get my email that I sent on the 5th? Just incase, I am 
> repeating it below. Once I use startx in the Ubuntu Alternate CD, I 
> checked the logs and it seems to recognize the Raedon graphics card 
> and the LCD monitor that I am using. If you are too busy right now to 
> deal with this problem since I can see by the number of times your 
> name appears in the mailing list, you are very far from being idle.
> I did the above but still can not log back in. I did make a hard copy 
> of the xorg-conf file before I did the above. After doing the above, I 
> took another look and it was still the same. The odt attachment 
> contains both the Ubuntu 8.04.1 alternate and Ubuntu-Studio 7.10 
> xorg-conf files. The latter is much more explicit than the former 
> Ubuntu 8.04.1.
> Ubuntu 8.04.1 does not seem to have trouble finding the Radeon driver; 
> it's just not registering  with the xorg.conf file.
> Where is the debconf database? Is there a way to populate it?
> If worse come to worse, I can always start with run-level 3 and then 
> use "startx" although I would rather not.
> At least mabey we're getting closer to the real problem.
> Take care,
> Jerry 

Sorry, but I probably deleted the "I did reply" email by mistake. I am 
staying with the whole email list just in case there might be someone 
else with a similar problem.

I did: Alt-F2 gksu displayconfig-gtk, but couldnot find the correct 
monitor or graphics card. I tried quite a few choices, but when I use 
the "test" button, I got nothing but a screen full of lines and it would 
go no further. So I had to reject my choices before the timer ran out 
which would chose my setup.

I had read where someone else, who had the same problem who replaced the 
"new and improved" xorg.conf file with a version before Ubuntu 8.04, and 
it worked. I have not done that yet, but what I did do was to install 
Kubuntu's desktop which then gave me a KDE choice in the "options". That 
worked with no problems. I took a look at the xorg.conf file and the 
choices it made were some of the very ones I had chosen before, but 
would not work in Gnome. So far, the only way to be able to work in 
Gnome is to start with runlevel 3 and then go to startx. If I do that, I 
have no problems with Gnome at all.

At least I got it working in KDE but I would still like to know what's 
going on with Gnome.

Take care,

PS. This time, I'll try not to delete your response :-[
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