Another problem or bug with WUBI (Live CD)

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Aug 9 02:37:01 UTC 2008

On 08/08/2008 06:18 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 08/08/2008 05:46 PM, Karl Larsen wrote:
>>     He should try the 32 bit LiveCD for Hardy. If that fails we can try 
>> and discover what is wrong with his computer.
>> Karl
> I'm not familiar enough with Wubi & the 64bit to know if that would bet
> the problem, but I tend to agree with you that it might.
> I just installed via Wubi on the WinXPPro drive (all 32bit) and the
> install went just fine as far as the CD part... after the reboot it is
> now in the "Installing System" portion, so I'll post back when it
> finishes, or blows up my system :-) I only had 8Gb on the drive and
> allocated 6Gb (the recommended by umenu) to Ubuntu & hopefully it won't
> run into disk space issues.

OK, it finished installing & I rebooted only to find that I had an
"Error: 15" issue with Wubi's grub. However I'd forgotten that on this
system I have drives a & b swapped (Win is on B, Ubuntu proper is on A)
so I had to modify the Wubi grub to try hd0,0 to get it to start. Wow
sound was set to full blast so I got the full Ubuntu startup sound at
the startup... I reckon that I won't need to clean my ears for another
week or so.

Anyway, once I got the past the hd0,0 issue (Demetry don't worry about
this as I have an odd hard drive setup on that machine where I've
basically told Windows it is on a different drive than it thinks it is.
So you shouldn't experience this problem) Ubuntu fired right up... Of
course it does a silly default screen resolution other than 1024x768
(why can't they make that the default?).

So, end result Demetry is that your install may be having hardware
issues, so you might try the suggestions from the links I provided and
perhaps try the suggestion in
I just explored the iso on the disk, copied all the folders to a new
folder on my desktop. doubleclicked wubi.exe and it worked flawlessly.
Thanks for helping him help me.

I realise that you are blind so sorry for the length of the post and
sending you off to all the links. However, it seems to work here on my
system (albeit with my swapped hard drives):

WinXPPro - fully updated to all the latest
2.4Ghz/1Gb Intel 32bit
Ubuntu liveCD 8.04.1 (

I have to admit that I certainly appreciate your perseverance in trying
to get Ubuntu installed. Can you please provide details on your system
and the Windows version you are running?

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