updating java from a terminal

James D. Parra Jamesp at MusicReports.com
Fri Aug 8 21:04:58 UTC 2008

Type aptitude search sun-java and see if java5 comes up and install whatever
java5 packages you see, i don't remember that far back but maybe they named
the java packages something different from what they do now, you might also
try aptitude search java just to see what java packages are available,
someone used to using breezy might provide a better insight.

I get the following, below, but not sure if 1.5 is here ;
# aptitude search java
i   java-common                     - Base of all Java packages
v   java-compiler                   -
v   java-cup                        -
i   java-gcj-compat                 - Java runtime environment using GIJ
p   java-gcj-compat-dev             - Java runtime environment with GCJ
v   java-runtime                    -
v   java-virtual-machine            -
v   java1-runtime                   -
v   java2-compiler                  -
v   java2-runtime                   -
p   javacc                          - A parser generator for use with Java
v   javalex                         -
v   lib-xt-java                     -
v   libant1.5-java                  -
p   libant1.6-java                  - Java based build tool like make -
p   libbcel-java                    - Analyze, create, and manipulate
p   libbcel-java-doc                - Documentation for Byte Code
Engineering L
p   libbsf-java                     - Bean Scripting Framework to support
p   libcommons-logging-java         - The commmon wrapper interface for
p   libcommons-net-java             - internet protocol suite Java library
p   libcrimson-java                 - XML parser which support the Java API
p   libcrimson-java-doc             - XML parser which support the Java API
v   libdb-java                      -
Tried running apt-get install java-common, but it says its already install,
which makes sense for the old package.
#apt-get install java-common
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
java-common is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
# java -version
java version "1.4.2_10"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_10-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_10-b03, mixed mode)
Any other suggestions to get Java updated?
Thanks again for your help.


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