Wireless Network Key

Chris Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Wed Aug 6 18:24:03 UTC 2008

> I can go along with that.  I only offered my suggestion because he 
> asked.  It's not the only way to do it.  It's just the way I've done it 
> in the past and thought I'd share.  The caveat about security stands 
> regardless. I just felt like I needed to explain my position on offering 
> it instead of letting someone claim 'bad advice'.

Your advice wasn't bad, just a last resort I would say...

It seems NM is one of these things were it works great for some (myself
included) but others have perpetual issues with it. I know you aren't alone.

I suspect which camp you fall into depends to some degree on your
hardware. I read somewhere once that a lot of the issues are, as far as
the NM devs are concerned, bugs in the network drivers and not NM
itself. The NM devs refuse to add hacks to their code to work around
issues with specific drivers, and insist they are fixed at source, which
takes time and in some cases the driver devs don't agree..

I can understand this view point, but it doesn't help simple users stuck
in the middle...


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