Java Web Start and linux32 on 64 bit machine

Magnus Runesson mr-ubuntu at
Wed Aug 6 17:32:24 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-08-06 at 14:21 +0000, Kennneth P. Turvey wrote:
> I've installed Swiftweasel (a firefox derivative) on my 64 bit Ubuntu 
> Hardy machine using linux32 and 32 bit libraries.  I did this using 
> directions I found on this forum, and it works great for using Java 
> applets with my browser, but I can't seem to get Java Web Start apps to 
> work correctly.  
> I've tried kicking it off in the browser using the normal procedure of 
> associating .jnlp scripts with it.  When that didn't work I thought that 
> maybe it was being kicked off in 64 bit mode when I needed it in 32 bit 
> mode so I wrote the following simple script to fix the problem:

My solution for this was to install a 32-bit java too and then run
sudo update-alternatives --config javaws
and select the 32-bit version of javaws

Good luck!


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