Java Web Start and linux32 on 64 bit machine

Kennneth P. Turvey kt-usenet at
Wed Aug 6 14:21:30 UTC 2008

I've installed Swiftweasel (a firefox derivative) on my 64 bit Ubuntu 
Hardy machine using linux32 and 32 bit libraries.  I did this using 
directions I found on this forum, and it works great for using Java 
applets with my browser, but I can't seem to get Java Web Start apps to 
work correctly.  

I've tried kicking it off in the browser using the normal procedure of 
associating .jnlp scripts with it.  When that didn't work I thought that 
maybe it was being kicked off in 64 bit mode when I needed it in 32 bit 
mode so I wrote the following simple script to fix the problem:

linux32 /usrlib/jvm/ia32-java-6-sun- "$@"

This wasn't successful either.  

It does run when I run it on the command line.  
When I do so, I get the following error:

kt at lovelace$ linux32 ./javaws /tmp/DialogDemo.jnlp
Java Web Start splash screen process exiting .....
Splash: sysCreateListenerSocket failed: No such file or directory

Again, I get the same output whether the executable is run in 32 or 64 
bit mode.  

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. 

Kenneth P. Turvey <kt-usenet at>

  The only two things that are infinite in size are the universe and
  human stupidity. And I'm not completely sure about the universe.   
        -- Albert Einstein

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