Doug Pollard dougpol1 at
Wed Aug 6 14:36:12 UTC 2008

Rashkae wrote:
> Chris wrote:
> There's so much bad advise and sweeping generalizations in this e-mail,
> I don't even know where to begin refuting it.  I'll try
>> People should not be dual booting to begin with. If you are going to
>> commit to ANY Unix, then do it. If you don't know if you want to run
>> any Unix - run a friggen Live CD for Christ sakes.
> OH sure, because a live cd will *really* give you all the performance
> and choice of applications for a full and fun Linux experience </sarcasm>
>> There has been far too much whining about how users can't boot or run
>> XP after an install to dual boot.
> Define too much?  I think the Ubuntu installer does a pretty damn good
> job of just working, and help on the list (or from a local Lug) can get
> the corner cases.  Someone having a glitch and wanting help is not whining.
>  Additionally, with the low cost of PC's these day, and with the advent
>> of apps like VMWare and V-Box, there isn't a reason to dual boot.
> *cough* games,  not to mention hardware support when needed.
>> To you that are raggin about not booting XP - STAY with XP.
>> ... Don't bother to argue this point with me. It's my opinion. Yours
>> certainly does not matter to me nor will it convince me otherwise.
> In concludion, *my* opinion is to STFU.  thank you.
    I think I know someting about dual booting or I know nothing about 
it.  I have had at least three different dual boot systems over the last 
couple of years.  I am doing video and some of quit large.  I have done 
it in xp because I have Premeire that works very well. I really don't 
nor can I afford a legal copy. I don't like using it that way.  I want 
to use cinelerra.  I have taken ubuntu out a several times to make room 
for the video.  Each time I have had to wipe the drives clean and 
reinstall xp. in most cases Ubuntu was all screwed up and I had not been 
able to fix the problems. At some point I wind up with the whole ting 
more or less corrupted. This is  my problem and not linuxes, a lot of it 
is because  at 74 years old learning is  terribly slow.  At some point 
those trying on line to help me get to a point where they start telling 
me to read and learn about using linux and seem to feel I am wasting 
their time because I am too lazy to put in the learning effort. I 
understand too.
    I have a lot going on and finally get to feeling guilty about 
spending so much time fooling with linux.
    I took out xp because I found myself falling back on it as the easy 
solution every time I had a problem in linux. That says something about 
xp verses linux maybe. This I figured kept me from learning ubuntu. 
    I recently could not get kino to import video from my camcorder so 
used Sudo to open Kino and import video.  It saved  to  root somehow. I 
put the file in my user account and now I am getting error messages. I 
guess I should not have done that.
    I need to get the video done so I will likely have to go back to Xp 
to use Premeire to make my video.
    So anyway I understand this fellow wanting to remove ubuntu.  If you 
are using it unsuccessfully you need to get it out of the way so you can 
get your work done.  If I have to take it out again I will be very 
reluctant to reinstall it and will likely play with it off a dvd instead.
    I think linux would do well to provide an easy way to erase the 
program so some would be less reluctant to install it.  I have heard 
several people say they installed it and had a heck of a time getting 
rid of it.
    For myself   and not for others I am more and more thinking of 
ubuntu as a  fun puzzle that I have not been able to use for anything 
but e-mail and writing articles.

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