
Christian Csar cacsar at
Wed Aug 6 12:29:25 UTC 2008

To determine if you still have windows installed, it could be helpful to
list the partitions you have on your hard drive. The command to do this
should be
sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda
assuming that /dev/sda is the name of the hard disk in your computer (as
is likely).

Just to check do you happen to know if you used wubi to install ubuntu?
If you had I believe it would have been done from within windows, I do
not know enough about wubi to tell you how to determine if this is the
case; however, I believe the boot loader would not have been the windows
one rather than grub.


Nils Kassube wrote:
> Jake wrote:
>> Well the problem for me is that, there is NO Windows XP on the grub, at
>> all.. Not on the 'menu.lst' or on the boot menu at first start up, I
>> ONLY have the option of choosing between Ubuntu and Ubuntu
>> (recoverymode), but no Windows XP, should I copy my 'menu.lst' on here
>> for you to see? Could there be something I can put in there so that I
>> might beable to boot into either one of them?
> Are you sure you still have Windows XP installed? Maybe you selected to 
> use the entire disk for the installation of Ubuntu. Anyway, if it is 
> still there, you can add Windows to your file /boot/grub/menu.lst. You 
> need root privilege to modify the file. Therefore use the command
> gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
> in a terminal. Search for the line
> and add these lines before the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST line:
> title           Microsoft Windows
> root            (hd0,0)
> makeactive
> chainloader     +1
> Now you will start Windows as default. If you prefer to use Ubuntu as 
> default, change the line
> default         0
> and make it look like this:
> default         1
> Nils

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