edubuntu upgrade

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Aug 5 23:27:43 UTC 2008

On 08/05/2008 02:32 PM, NoOp wrote:

> I'm actually upgrading a Gutsy machine now to Hardy & sure enough it hit
> again on this machine that I'm upgrading. It's a stupid bug that should
> have been fixed in 8.04.1.
> What I'll do is open a terminal window, kill locale and then let it go
> on and finish leaving the multiple packages unconfigured. Then I use the
> 'dpkg --configure -a' & let it run through that, and then and 'sudo
> apt-get dist-upgrade' followed by 'dpkg-reconfigure locales'. I should
> be finished in about an hour or so and will let you know how it went.

OK. It's complete. When you reboot use the "recovery mode" and at the
options screen the option to reconfigure dpkg's. Let it complete the
reconfiguration, then enter 'exit' and back at the options select the
xfix option, let it complete and then select the first option to
continue to boot normally.

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