ubuntu server

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Aug 5 17:45:14 UTC 2008

Please don't top post.

Michael Varre wrote:

> Derek, the primary difference between Ubuntu Server Edition and Desktop
> Edition is the fact that Server doesnt come with all the extra junk
> Desktop does, out of the box at least. They are pretty much the same just
> without "end user" type things such as productivity tools and X and give
> the ability to install LAMP during install.

>> - and of course, practically, you can assume that since it doesn't have
>> all that GUI stuff, it's probably more stable.

Are you suggesting that what you've said and what I said are incompatible? 

X itself is a _huge_ source of potential problems.  There's no guarantee
that an Ubuntu RTS server is more stable than the same version of Ubuntu
RTS desktop, but the _probability_ is high.

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