I'm a new member and a question: Error during the installation ofUbuntu 8.04.1

Mark Haney mhaney at ercbroadband.org
Tue Aug 5 13:19:45 UTC 2008

Demetry wrote:
> Hello list,
> Firstly, I'm a new member here. My name is Demetry, and I'm from Germany.
> Normally, I use a machine with Windows Vista Home Premium. And now, I 
> would like to install Ubuntu as a second operating system.
> I used the WUBI tool from the CD. The installation started and prepared 
> the setup. It was created an new image around 720 MB huge.
> Umm, I'm a blind user. Under Windows I use JAWS.
> Back to my problem: I started the WUBI installer and after a few minutes 
> I should restart the machine. And as I selected the Ubuntu to start I 
> get every to,e an error message. Because I am almost blind. Something 
> with MP-BIOS bug... and apic or so. The message was very long I can't 
> read that really. The system stops and i can not anything as to do press 
> a reset button from my pc.
> I need to use in Ubuntu the screen reader Orca or the braille display. 
> I've here a PAC Mate display of Freedom Scientific.
> Additionally, what can I do as next?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Demetry

Hi Demetry, Glad to see you're turning away from the Dark Side!  Do you 
happen to know what motherboard you're using?  I know that the FoxConn 
boards have sabotaged BIOS in them that makes installing linux virtually 
impossible (they are fixing that however, but you may not have the 
kernel that will handle it).

Also, I will warn you, SP1 for Vista will deliberately lock you out of 
it after installing if you use something other than the Vista boot 
loader due to the 'Trustworthy Computing' campaign of MS.

But, that said, during the boot of grub you might be able to edit the 
kernel line to include 'noapic' at the end.  But, honestly, as your 
sight is a concern, that might require someone better sighted to do that 
unless someone knows of a way to make that screen font larger.

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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