I'm a new member and a question: Error during the installation of Ubuntu 8.04.1

Demetry demetry82 at googlemail.com
Tue Aug 5 13:03:12 UTC 2008

Hello list,

Firstly, I'm a new member here. My name is Demetry, and I'm from Germany.

Normally, I use a machine with Windows Vista Home Premium. And now, I 
would like to install Ubuntu as a second operating system.
I used the WUBI tool from the CD. The installation started and prepared 
the setup. It was created an new image around 720 MB huge.

Umm, I'm a blind user. Under Windows I use JAWS.

Back to my problem: I started the WUBI installer and after a few minutes 
I should restart the machine. And as I selected the Ubuntu to start I 
get every to,e an error message. Because I am almost blind. Something 
with MP-BIOS bug... and apic or so. The message was very long I can't 
read that really. The system stops and i can not anything as to do press 
a reset button from my pc.
I need to use in Ubuntu the screen reader Orca or the braille display. 
I've here a PAC Mate display of Freedom Scientific.

Additionally, what can I do as next?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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