The Ubuntu Experiment

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Tue Aug 5 06:26:37 UTC 2008

2008/8/5 Steve C. Lamb <grey at>:
>> > Here, you are making the common mistake of confusing common sense with
>> > familiarity in a given field. The known ways of avoiding viruses are
>> > NOT common sense, but they are well known and ingrained in anyone with
>> > a few YEARS experience on the 'net.
>> I hadn't thought of it in those terms, but you're probably right
>    No.  Anyone who has spent years as a human being should know better.  It
> starts pretty young with "Don't take candy from strangers,"  "If it's too good
> to be true it probably is," and other such sayings.  It's the same thing, just
> a different context.

Well, then why would anyone use Ubuntu? It is free, has no 'apparent'
strings, and comes from people they've never heard of (not MS), so is
it like taking candy from strangers? Ubuntu certainly seems to be to
good to be true.

Dotan Cohen

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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