Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at
Tue Aug 5 03:46:23 UTC 2008

Kim Briggs wrote:
> On 8/4/08, Ed Greshko <Ed.Greshko at> wrote:
>> Leonard Smith wrote:
>>  > On Mon, 2008-08-04 at 22:41 -0400, Jake wrote:
>>  >> Ok, I've been through this so many times, "you have to press ESC", "Is
>>  >> there", well no, its not, can anyone just PLEASE tell me how to
>>  >> UNINSTALL Ubuntu, so I can get on Windows XP and re-install Ubuntu to
> [snip]
>>  a new one?" and folks are giving out instructions to build a light bulb factory.
>>  It is a simple question with a simple answer.  Not everything is rocket science.
> Hi EG,
> The point people are making is that the question shows some ignorance
> about what is happening on a computer.  Using an operating system, you
> install and uninstall various programs.  You can't use an operating
> system, from the same drive, to uninstall itself.  People are trying
> to figure out what the person is talking about because, as it is
> written, it doesn't make much sense.

His question made perfect sense to me...

He said...

1.  Don't tell me a complicated list of things to do.  He said he doesn't 
want to hear "you have to press ESC"..."run fsck"..."do this, that, and the 

2.  He asked "PLEASE tell me how to UNINSTALL Ubuntu".

3.  He obviously wants to wipe out, get rid of, start all over again with XP 
as his only OS and then add Ubuntu.  He *said* that.   All people have to do 
is take the time to *read* what he said and *not* add their own bias or 

Now, most of us know you don't uninstall an OS as there is no such command 
to do that.  Soooo....  What do we do when we want to start over with a 
clean slate?

*That is what he needs to be told*.

The OP made perfect sense....most people just don't know how to read.  :-)

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