Unable to use Ubuntu 8.04 live CD

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Aug 4 21:36:02 UTC 2008

On 08/03/2008 05:02 PM, Jerry Alber wrote:

> NoOp,
> I tried replacing the keyboard, using the wireless keyboard but nothing 
> worked. I tried doing an install from the "official" CD from Canonical 
> using Safe Graphic Mode and clicking on the install folder on the 
> screen, but the install did not include Grub.
> So, I went back to the Alternate CD and did an install from there (all 
> of the installs are clean, meaning that I re-format the partition) and 
> it seemed to go fine. I entered a username and a password and when I 
> rebooted the system and entered the username and password it looked as 
> if it were going to do something. It did - it went back to the loginin 
> screen with no errors. The next time, I entered a wrong password just to 
> see what it would do, and I got an error right away.
> When mounting the partition from Fedora 8, is there someplace that I can 
> check to see what it is doing, or rather, not doing with the username, 
> password? If I check /var/log what log/s should I look at and what 
> should I be looking for?
> I also have a thread in Launchpad, and it seems as though I am not the 
> only person having this problem. So far, there were no solutions and 
> some people have become so disgusted that they have given up.
> Let me know if you can think of what I should be looking for in order to 
> try and solve this "latest" problem.
> Thanks,
> Jerry

That's just odd...

Maybe Leonard has a good point; at the login window, can you select
"Options" (lower left corner) and then select "Select Session", then
"Failsafe GNOME" mode. Let's see if it's flipping back because xserver
is crashing. Before you do that however; do Ctrl-Alt-F1 and see if you
get a tty login, see if you can login that way. If you can login from
tty mode then log back out ('exit') and return to the login screen
(Ctrl-Alt-F7) and login using Failsafe GNOME.

As for checking the logs from FC; check /var/crash and see if there is
something in there, as well as /var/log/Xorg.0.log.

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