[OT] The Search for a useable Ubuntu Home Server

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Mon Aug 4 19:53:10 UTC 2008

Brian McKee wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 12:39 AM, Clifford Haynes
> <chaynes33 at embarqmail.com> wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>> On 08/03/2008 02:22 PM, Brian McKee wrote:
>> <shameless plug>
>> Check it out at http://furicle.blogspot.com
>> I wonder if others find:
>> background:#000000;
>> margin:0;
>> color:#cccccc;
>> font: x-small "Trebuchet MS", Trebuchet, Verdana, Sans-serif;
>> irritating and hard to read.
>> Who gives a rat's butt!  You missed the point.  If you want it fancy, then
>> help the
>> man out in the blog design.  For God's sake, say something positive.
> Glad to see that people like the idea.  Thanks for all the comments.
> Rather than plug this mailing list up too badly with more OT stuff,
> maybe I can encourage everybody to post their comments (good bad or
> indifferent) there.
> I have to say Cliff that I found NoOp's email helpful and not
> offensive.  He pointed out exactly what he thought was wrong, making
> it easy for me to fix.  I suppose looking back at it I can see why you
> thought it might be, but I didn't read it that way at first, and with
> NoOp's track record I'd cut him  *a lot* of leeway anyway.
> I'm not easily offended, and I know 'tone' is very hard to read in
> email - after all none of us are exactly poet laureates.

It's good you're not quick to offend, but I think one thing that is 
missed when people bring this type of topic up is that if there is 
ambiguity in a response that can be interpreted as offensive, how hard 
is it, really, to reply with a request for clarification from the 
possible offender?

Sometimes it is just misunderstanding. Other times someone replies 
before engaging their brain. Or they had a bad day. But it seems that 
many of the cases where this becomes a problem could have been avoided 
by simply being nicer and using some common sense before hauling out the 
flamethrower first. Probably most of the rest of the cases are simply a 
case of people being pathological when granted the veil of anonymity 
that the Internet offers.

*shrug* not that it matters much...I don't expect this post to have much 
of an affect on most people that probably could benefit from that 
thought :-) The only good thing from a previous 
thread-that-shall-not-be-named was someone (nicely) pointing out that in 
the third world and developing areas of the world access to newer 
hardware was a lot harder than in the US. I'm making a conscious effort 
to keep that in mind when such a topic could be touched upon in the 
future, as this list is read by people all around the planet (it might 
be interesting to know where some of the regulars on the list are 
reading from...any stats posted anywhere regarding that?)

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