[OT] The Search for a useable Ubuntu Home Server

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Mon Aug 4 12:18:55 UTC 2008

Clifford Haynes wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 08/03/2008 02:22 PM, Brian McKee wrote:
>>> <shameless plug>
>>> I'm not quite sure why, but I started a new blog today.
>>> Check it out at http://furicle.blogspot.com
>>> It's all about me replacing my IPCop box and consolidating down to a
>>> single Ubuntu Home Server.
>>> I'm doing it just a subject or less a day - a couple of a paragraphs
>>> at a time.  The theory is I'll get ahead of it and time release the
>>> blog entries once every day or two to get a steady stream of output.
>>> We'll see how it goes.
>>> Feel free to wander on over and flame me for being an idiot in the 
>>> comments.
>>> Brian
>>> </shameless plug>
>> I wonder if others find:
>> background:#000000;
>> margin:0;
>> color:#cccccc;
>> font: x-small "Trebuchet MS", Trebuchet, Verdana, Sans-serif;
>> irritating and hard to read. Poorly rendering tiny white font against a
>> black background. I have to turn off 'colors' in my browsers (Fx and
>> SeaMonkey) to read   
> Who gives a rat's butt!  You missed the point.  If you want it fancy, 
> then help the
> man out in the blog design.  For God's sake, say something positive.  
> _Do_ something
> positive.  After all, he _IS_ trying to make a contribution!  I had no 
> trouble reading
> what he had to say.  Leave the petty crap on the playground.  The past 
> couple of
> months, I have seen more "playground tantrums" on here than any 
> substance.  If
> you have nothing good or nice to say, shut your fat face.  _GROW_ _UP!_  
> If what I have to say offends some one, then I'm sad to say "Oh well".
> I like his idea & will be following it.

Wasn't this a little extreme as a reaction? I think the OP followed up 
by saying something about thinking that would be a problem then 
immediately altering the default...no arguments, not a bit of offense 
seemed to be taken...

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