Connecting laptop to sever

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Mon Aug 4 01:53:57 UTC 2008

On Sun, 03 Aug 2008 14:22:04 +0100
John <John at> wrote:

> This now leads to another question - how do I ensure that a script run 
> from my user desktop only runs as root? Then how do I ensure that my 
> mounted files are writeable?

Depending on what you want to achieve with your nfs mounts, you
probably don't need to use root to mount nfs shares. In the /etc/fstab
of the client machine you can put a line something like:


servername:/path/to/share  /mnt/servername  nfs  rw,hard,intr,user,noauto   0   0

This will allow a user to mount and umount the share. Of course you need to create 
/mnt/servername or some other mount point, substitute appropriately, and so on.

You might also want to have a look at using /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny to protect
portmap  etc.

This howto might prove useful:


"INX Is Not X" Live CD based on Ubuntu 8.04 :
Screenshots slideshow:
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