Connecting laptop to sever

Kim Briggs patiodragon at
Sun Aug 3 14:01:01 UTC 2008

On 8/3/08, John <John at> wrote:
> Kim Briggs wrote:
>  > <snip>
>  Hi Nils & Kim, Thanks for the suggestions.
>  NFS is configured on the SuSE server and proven to be working.

Yes, proven to be working for the laptop IP perhaps???  When  I set up
NFS on my server, I give whatever permissions I want on a *per-IP*
basis.  It makes complete sense that one machine can connect and one
machine cannot if that is the way it is set up.  It just doesn't
"work" for all machines.

Post the content of your server's /etc/exports file for the /etc
experts to look at (I'm no expert..)

good luck,

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