CoC Violation - First Warning (Was: bad sex)
Karl Larsen
k5di at
Sat Aug 2 12:02:33 UTC 2008
Jimmy Montague wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-08-02 at 10:33 +0800, Dax Solomon Umaming wrote:
>> On Saturday 02 August 2008 3:39:13 am Jimmy Montague wrote:
>>> Silverstrim, Henry, Greenly, McKee, Mumia, I hear you saying you
>>> all like Karl because when you tell him bad things he doesn't reply
>>> in kind. I guess that means you like to have sex with people (male
>>> or female?) who just lay there and take it. No wonder you're all so
>>> unhappy.
>> Jimmy,
>> This is a personal attack which should've been sent off-list. We need
>> not be subjected to this kind of post. You are therefore in violation
>> of the Ubuntu Code of Conduct [0].
>> I urge you to please restrain yourself (1) from sending emails of
>> similar subject and nature to this list and (2) from replying to this
>> thread.
>> If you have any questions as to why you received a warning, please
>> reply to this email in private and CC
>> ubuntu-users-owner at
>> [1]
> I already know why I received this message. I received this message
> because the creeps who've been bad-mouthing ME persuaded YOU to send me
> this message. You agreed to do it because it's easier to censure me than
> it is to censure all the dipshits who've been after you to discipline
> me.
> I don't give a damn what you do. Bar me from the list -- I should worry?
> I should cry? Think I can't get back on it if I want to? But I don't
> want to. I've just been hanging on for a couple of days now waiting for
> you and the bully boys to come down on me.
> So urge somebody else. I don't need you and I don't care what you do
> about that.
> I need this place like I need jock itch.
> Jimmy
Jimmy you said you worked a few years as an English professor in a
college. I am wondering which college that was? Where did you get your
PHd? I got mine at the Leland Stanford Jr. Farm.
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
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