How to upgrade KDE 4.0 apps to KDE 4.1 on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Sat Aug 2 11:44:03 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-08-02 at 17:02 +0530, Ashish Yadav wrote:
> If I upgrade KDE libs to 4.1 won't the KDE 4.1 apps will work?

I guess, but in that case don't you basically end up running 4.1,

> As I said, I am not interested in installing complete KDE 4.1 desktop.
> I am interested in adding a repository which allows complete KDE 4.0
> stuff to move over to KDE 4.1. Similar to as I got with Ubuntu 8.04,
> from where I installed KDE 4.0 applications.

Hmmm, let me ask another way: what exactly is it that you don't want to
install? I'm asking because you seem to be ok with upgrading the
libraries to 4.1, you want to upgrade applications from 4.0 to 4.1, so I
wonder what exactly is left? Stuff like dolphin and that fancy new
desktop displayer thingy?

If so, can't you just uninstall them or simply not run them?

It would also help to understand why you want to do it (whatever "it"
is)? I don't use KDE but by all accounts I have read 4.1 is vastly
improved over 4.0, which earlier had received harsh criticism for
sticking a *.0 version number on something that was purely intended as a
platform for developers to actually start working on the user-facing

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