ubuntu 8.04 lts cups problem

James R. Jones bnjrj at uaf.edu
Fri Aug 1 22:17:56 UTC 2008

Chris Mohler wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 4:35 PM, James R. Jones <bnjrj at uaf.edu> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a small problem, cups does not want to work.  When I go to system ->
>> administration -> printing and click on go to server the connect to cups
>> window server pops up with /var/run/cups/cups.sock and my username in the
>> user name box.
>> The error message is the following:
> Hi Jim,
> Are you connecting a local printer?  I think the "connect to server"
> might be unnecessary if so.  Can you reach http://localhost:631 in a
> browser?  What make/model of printer are you trying to use, and how
> does it connect (USB. Parallel, etc.)?
> I've only used the "connect to server" button to attempt to reach
> remote print servers.  I think you can ignore the error in the syslog
> - I see a similar message and CUPS is 100% functional here.
> Chris

Yes I have tried the http://localhost:631 to talk to cups, but I get the 
error "can't establish connection to server at localhost:631"

Localhost is in my host file because I can ping localhost and get a 
reply back.

That is why I think it is a problem with cups itself but am at a loss 
where to begin.

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