virtualbox fans?
Bart Silverstrim
bsilver at
Fri Aug 1 13:56:02 UTC 2008
NoOp wrote:
> On 07/30/2008 10:16 AM, Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>>> On 07/30/2008 08:32 AM, Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>>>> I was afraid of that. Just when I told myself I can live with that as
>>>> long as it has the "shared folders" feature, that doesn't seem to work!
>>>> I can't find it in the network browsing, even though I set one up and
>>>> the log said shared networking is enabled. I go to My Network Places,
>>>> view workgroup computers, and my workgroup, and it's just the virtual
>>>> system's name. Click entire network, then VirtualBox Shared Folders, and
>>>> it's blank.
>>>> This is the latest binary version, 1.6.2, with WinXP guest on Ubuntu 8.04.
>>> [Windows Shared Folders]
>> I'm not going to say it doesn't work since I'm not at that system at the
>> moment, but I wondered if you could verify this...
>> I had a window where I could browse my local workgroup and another icon
>> marked virtualbox shared drives, and the virtualbox entry was blank and
>> the local workgroup just has the virtualized system.
>> I also couldn't use \\vboxsrv or \\vboxsvr in the address bar to browse
>> shares?
>> Are these normal? I'll try the fixes in the link you sent when I get a
>> chance.
> I am using Win2KP as the guest, so unfortunately I can't vouch for
> WinXP. However on my Win2KP under Entire Network I can see & use:
> - Microsoft Windows Network
> o Mshome
> All samba shares to my machines where I allow access are listed
> o Workgroup
> A new system that I've brought up using the Win default 'Workgroup'
> - VirtualBox Shared Folders
> o \\VBOXSVR\<shared folder on this host machine>
> o \\VBOXSVR\<another shared folder on this host machine>
> - Computers Near Me
> o My laptop, and 4 other of my systems (2 connected via wireless)
I don't have the screenshot, but in the virtual XP system:
open explorer window
My network places
view workgroup computers
->listed: vbwinxp, my virtualized machine
Microsoft Windows Network
->listed: testnet (my workgroup)
click entire network
->listed: Microsoft Windows Network and VirtualBox Shared Folders
click virtualbox shared folders
->listed: nothing.
I double checked that VB has a shared folder listed on the host, and it
has a folder from my /home/bsilver listed as a machine share.
> To set the VBOXSVR folders, you need to define them in Devices|Shared
> Folders. They can be transient or machine. Note: I use NAT mode, not
> bridged - all of the machines I can browse are all on the same subnet
> ( as this (host) machine.
Yup, go that, mine's also in NAT.
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