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marcsje at
Mon Apr 28 16:59:41 UTC 2008
Pastor JW schreef:
> On Monday 28 April 2008, Jeff Robertson wrote:
>> I am considering buying a new Dell laptop in a couple months. I am fed up
>> with Windows and especially the crap they call "Vista". Dell now offers
>> new laptops with Ubuntu installed as the OS. I would love to learn and use
>> Ubuntu but I am worried some of my software won't work. I have MS Office,
>> Acrobat 7, PhotoshopCS IllustratotCS2 and Frontpage.
Hi, welcome,
Here you can find some hints on how (older) windows software still can
work under linux.
But of course, if you slowly move to open source software, you won't
depend on Windows.
But till then you can try to pay your investments in other software...
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