Ubuntu 8.04 and Firefox 3 Beta 5

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Mon Apr 28 14:22:55 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-04-28 at 17:00 +0300, Ioannis Vranos wrote:
> I do not think there would be any problems on switching from 2 stable
> to 3 stable. I think Firefox releases are made compatible with the
> previous version's user profiles.

Ioannis, haven't we been debating _exactly_ these problems ad nauseam in
various threads over the last few days? Granted, not to stable, but IMHO
this is a smaller difference than you make it out to be. 

> Also noone guarantees that Firefox 3 Beta user profiles will not
> change until the final release. I think it is more guaranteed that
> Firefox 3 final will recognise and upgrade Firefox 2 user profiles
> than it is guaranteed that it will recognise and upgrade any previous
> Firefox 3 Beta user profiles, if they make any change to them, since
> it is a Beta.

I don't think there is much use debating this with me :)
I have stated my opinion repeatedly and linked to the release notes that
contain the statement by Ubuntu. Everyone agrees that the current
situation is not ideal, but Ubuntu hate to make some call. IIRC there
was ongoing discussion about this on the developer lists and/or wiki.

If you are unhappy with how things have been handled, you should involve
yourself in development and then talk to the relevant people or, if that
is impossible, write up something in Ubuntu Brainshare.

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