very basic about initial install

reader at reader at
Sun Apr 27 01:51:25 UTC 2008

Peter Garrett <peter.garrett at> writes:

> On Sat, 26 Apr 2008 12:46:42 -0500
> reader at wrote:
>> Server install appears to be the same install routine but with ncurses
>> sort of windows... So instead of a crippled gui install its a crippled
>> gui primitive ncurses install.....I don't understand this at
>> all... seems kind of ridiculous ... I hope this isn't a sign that once
>> installed many other `features' also appear ridiculous compared to
>> other linux distros.
> OK, since you want to do things with pure command line...
> The procedures are almost exactly the same for Ubuntu or Debian, not
> surprisingly.
> By the way, if you really want to do things in the purest fashion, you
> could even start from a boot floppy, or there's always
> Linux From Scratch, if Ubuntu still seems so crippled to you -

I was less concerned with purity than speed and ease.  The ncures
interface of the server install makes fdisk a real pita.

But I see my complaining is running dangerous close to being hard core
chronic sniveling and am sorry about that.

And furhter, once I got hold of the server my experience has been
smooth sailing... ran right through the install, booted the new os
with no problems... and being as how this is a vmware guest on Windows
Vista I think that is a clear indication that somebody is doing a good
job with the server install.
> Incidentally, both Ubuntu and Debian have completely functional command
> line operation, with or without X, and if you want to choose your own
> shell, you can do that too. I suggest starting with a thorough reading of 

One has to get to root for apt to be of much use.. and that is what I
had trouble with.  At this stage even though I'm pretty much
intellectually challenged... that is, not all that bright... I just
expect to be able to do this stuff since I've been running linux in
one distro or another since the late 3 series of redhat... probably
over 10 yrs now.

I don't expect to have to read documentation cover to cover... and
usually I don't... as is the case now.

Thanks for the nice install package in the server 8.0.4 ISO people.

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