Hardy problems

Charlie Kravetz cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Sat Apr 26 14:34:46 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-04-26 at 20:38 +0900, Craig Hagerman wrote:
> I just upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04, Hardy Heron and have a couple small issues.
> For some reason after upgrading it seems that that mouse clicks are
> sometimes not detected. I now usually have to click a few times before
> a window changes focus, a selection is made or whatever. (No the mouse
> is not dirty or have any issues. It is only 6 months old as well). Any
> ideas why this has happened or how to 'fix' the issue?
Try going into System --> Preferences --> Mouse; move the Timeout slider
to the right to raise the timeout to 600 or 700 milliseconds. I had the
same problem and this seems to fix it.

> I have three data hard drives that show up as icons on the desktop. Up
> until now they have shown up by mount point.They are all mounted on
> /media with names like "Music", "Video", "Library". Now, there seems
> to have been some changes and instead the discs are displayed by their
> label (which is not set), meaning that they are listed with names like
> "500.1 GB Media", which is neither what I want nor helpful. If you set
> a new label for a disk it wipes it. Is there any way to go back to the
> old way of displaying mounted discs?

> Craig Hagerman
Charlie Kravetz 
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