Hardy problems

Craig Hagerman craighagerman at gmail.com
Sat Apr 26 11:38:11 UTC 2008

I just upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04, Hardy Heron and have a couple small issues.

For some reason after upgrading it seems that that mouse clicks are
sometimes not detected. I now usually have to click a few times before
a window changes focus, a selection is made or whatever. (No the mouse
is not dirty or have any issues. It is only 6 months old as well). Any
ideas why this has happened or how to 'fix' the issue?

I have three data hard drives that show up as icons on the desktop. Up
until now they have shown up by mount point.They are all mounted on
/media with names like "Music", "Video", "Library". Now, there seems
to have been some changes and instead the discs are displayed by their
label (which is not set), meaning that they are listed with names like
"500.1 GB Media", which is neither what I want nor helpful. If you set
a new label for a disk it wipes it. Is there any way to go back to the
old way of displaying mounted discs?

Craig Hagerman

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