How to config VIM on ubuntu8.04 server?

Big Z jgeeks at
Fri Apr 25 06:59:53 UTC 2008


I meet strange problem about vim configuration on ubuntu8.04 server.
I use follow two cmd:

sudo apt-get install vim
sudo cp /usr/share/vim/vim71/vimrc_example.vim /etc/vim/vimrc

when I used ubuntu7.04, it's all OK after above cmd.
but now it's not work. VIM isn't using the syntax...

I also try to set ":syntax on" in vim window, it's not work.
I also try to "cp /usr/share/vim/vim71/vimrc_example.vim  ~/.vimrc",
it's not work and show error.

How to config VIM on ubuntu8.04 server? I thought I config it use
above two cmd enough on 7.04.
somebody said that must install vim-full package, but the vim-full is
so large and includes many trashy GUI packages to my server.

Best Regards!

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