Ubuntu 8.04 and Firefox 3 Beta 5

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at googlemail.com
Thu Apr 24 15:15:27 UTC 2008

On Thu, 24 Apr 2008 17:49:39 +0300
Ioannis Vranos <ivranos at freemail.gr> wrote:

> I have some concerns about Ubuntu 8.04 and Firefox 3 Beta 5. I have read
> that Firefox 3 Betas are unstable. Why this Beta was chosen to be
> included in Ubuntu 8.04 instead of the stable version? Are there any
> other Betas included in Ubuntu 8.04? Has anyone any experience on
> Firefox 3 Beta 5 under Ubuntu 8.04?

I found FF 3b5 to be considerably more stable than FF2 under 7.10.
With whatever point release of FF2 I had before, I'd have apparently random, and certainly not requested, exiting of Firefox, or lockups that required killing from the command line. No crashes yet with FF 3b5.
FF 3b5 is certainly not noticeably less stable under 8.04b that 7.10, but I've not had cause to measure it.

In short, I've had no problems with the beta of FF3, and I imagine it's increased stability over FF2.x is a part of the reason it's in 8.04

Avi Greenbury

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