Avast antivirus for linux

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Apr 23 12:54:08 UTC 2008

Matthias Andersson wrote:

> Agreed. When I started this thread I didn't mean to have it spin out of
> control like this

That's your risk :-)  Good threads always spin out of control!

> and one of my key questions still remains unanswered - 
> is it possible to add avast (or fprot) to the repositories even if the
> user is then required to fetch a license-key from the developers
> homepage (avast).

If not directly, then it's always possible to have a meta-package -
sun-java*-doc, for instance, installs the java documentation if it finds it
in /tmp, and requires you to answer the license notice, and msttcorefonts
is actually a script to download the fonts from a non-Ubuntu site.

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