ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 44, Issue 168

Albert Charron albert at albertcharron.name
Wed Apr 16 13:12:03 UTC 2008

Chris.Masih at crawco.co.uk wrote:
> hey guys
> please do me a favour and hash out any swear words cos otherwise 
> emails can be blocked at
> my work address, im sure im not the only one who would have this problem
> cheers

I have the exact same problem with my mail host. They run spam filtering 
at the SMTP level and I often get kicked of the mailing list because of 
bounced e-mails. This is really annoying, but I have to admit it is less 
annoying than have hundreds of spam e-mails per day hitting my mailbox...

  Albert Charron
  Linux Counter member #157482
  Registered computers: 195048, 361906

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