TopPosting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joseph ubuntu at
Tue Apr 15 20:05:50 UTC 2008

Steve T wrote:
> Because of top posting?  Are you sure?

Joseph wrote:
>      This is why the world is on a skateboard to Hell....

I did not say that.  <grimace>

I said it in reply to Paul's comment that stated that "This is a generation of people that are told 
how wonderful and special they are, that rules don't apply to them.  It's a society of 'It's someone 
else's fault' or 'I'll do what I want, stop forcing your way upon me.'  <snip>  There is no 
accountability or responsibility anymore.  Everyone has a sense of entitlement and they don't have 
to listen to anyone else." Then Paul closed with, "It's all really, really sad."

...and indeed it is.  And I still stand firm on what I'd written.


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