TopPosting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neil Cherry
ncherry at
Tue Apr 15 18:07:56 UTC 2008
Avi Greenbury wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 08:28:14 -0400
> "Danyelle Gragsone" <ladynikon at> wrote:
>> If you take 2 secs to look at the message you should be able to follow
also don't invest much effort in the conversation either. The more complex
>> a conversation. It's like toilet seat up.. toilet seat down.. I don't
yeht esruoc fO. si melborp eht tahw ees t'nod elpoep ,melborp eht s'tahT
>> understand the problem.
the conversion becomes the more messed up it becomes when multi-people
I hope you see a problem now.
For those that are confused, everything is out of order and partly
backwards. I hope I've made my point.
> Much of the problem is that there is no standard - there are a lot of
> people top posting and a lot of people bottom posting. This makes for
> an odd vibrating sensation in the scrollwheel finger when reading
> deeply-quoted discussions.
> If we are going to agree on a standard, it makes sense (to myself
> at least) to go with the same one as we use in spoken word -
> that is where replies follow that which they are replying to.
> And I'll echo the previous response and point out that there's
> little point in replying unless you give some hint as to what
> you are replying to.
There are no standards when a Microsoft mentality is involved. The
Usenet has had this unwritten standard since before 1985 (when I
first remember accessing the newsgroups. I'm pretty sure it was
use on many BBS's before that. It's really become a problem since
AOL and Microsoft made things easy without knowledge.
BTW, here's the RFC on the subject:
A sig which nicely points out the problem:
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
And posting style from the Wiki:
Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry ncherry at Main site My HA Blog
Author of: Linux Smart Homes For Dummies
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